2010 Aged Full Roast Big Red Robe
2010 Aged Full Roast Big Red Robe
Sourced By the Li Xiangxi
truesavory80caramel, chocoalte, puffed ricetruespice55musty, wet stone, camphortruespice65cinnamon, red woodtruefruit40elderberry
Tasting Profile
- savory - caramel, chocoalte, puffed rice
- spice - musty, wet stone, camphor
- spice - cinnamon, red wood
- fruit - elderberry
PICKINGSpring 2010
- Wuyishan Ecological Preserve Fujian
- Qi DanTea
This Qidan varietal was picked by the Li Family in 2010, then carefully re-roasted each year over the past seven years. The additional roasting and aging process has brought out truly beautiful qualities in this tea. The warm, chocolatey savory-sweet notes of Qi Dan Big Red Robe kick off each brewing session, but this aged tea builds into cooling sweetness and camphory mustiness that only comes with age. The lovely mineral texture continues hand-in-hand with warm cozy flavor for a big, engaging texture throughout long brewing sessions.
PICKINGSpring 2010
56-820820 seconds10762085 seconds3412room temp8 hours
Steeping Instructions
5 g.6-8
oz.use 208° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
7 g.6 ozuse 208° watersteep 5 seconds
add 3 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz. use room temp.° water refrigerate overnight
8 hours hours add ice & enjoy
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