2018 Qianjiazhai Tea Flower Gong Ting Shu
2018 Qianjiazhai Tea Flower Gong Ting Shu
Sourced By the Dongsa Cooperative
truesavory90marshmallow, graham crackertruespice90cinnamon, pinetruefloral50marigold, vanillatruefruit40elderberry
Tasting Profile
- savory - marshmallow, graham cracker
- spice - cinnamon, pine
- floral - marigold, vanilla
- fruit - elderberry
PICKINGApril 2016
- Qianjiazhai Mt. Ailao
- ELEVATION2000-2250m
- Qianjiazhai AssamicaTea
For a few extraordinary weeks at the beginning of autumn, every wild tea tree in Qianjiazhai puts out deeply aromatic golden blossoms. In recent years the Dongsa Cooperative, led by Master Zhou, has experimented with picking small amounts of the rich evocative tea flowers to blend with their wild-picked ancient-tree teas. Qianjiazhai Gong Ting Shu Pu'er is still a very new practice, made only by one of Master Zhou's students in the cooperative. Using the giant buds of QIanjiazhai's wild trees between 100 and three hundred years of age, this tea is carefully and slowly pile fermented to bring out a deep rich sweetness unlike any other shu pu'er out there. Master Zhou was so excited by this experiment he is sharing the technique across the cooperative and encourage more members to keep developing the craft. This is the first time Master Zhou has blended tea flowers with Gong Ting Shu, and the result is a beautiful visual contrast, along with a floral boost to the textural complexity and nuance of this budset shu pu’er. The clean natural fermentation preserves the herbaceousness of the tea, and the florals bring it out even further.
PICKINGApril 2016
'Within Qianjiazhai, there is little to no cultivated tea. Members of the Zhenyuan Dongsa cooperative forage from wild tea trees that have been growing for generations, scattered across the mountainsides. They have rights to sustainable foraging because they can trace back their family in the region to generations before the land was set aside as a protected forest preserve.'
56-820520 seconds10562058 seconds45122058 hours
Steeping Instructions
5 g.6-8
oz.use 205° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
5 g.6 ozuse 205° watersteep 8 seconds
add 4 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
5 g.12
oz. use room temp.° water refrigerate overnight
8 hours hours add ice & enjoy
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