2019 Ming Qian 1st Picking Reserve Laoshan Green
2019 Ming Qian 1st Picking Reserve Laoshan Green
Sourced By the the He Family
truevegetal80sweet pea, cucumbertruesavory70cream, chestnuttruespice55mineral, cooling pinetruefruit25juniper, young strawberry
Tasting Profile
- vegetal - sweet pea, cucumber
- savory - cream, chestnut
- spice - mineral, cooling pine
- fruit - juniper, young strawberry
PICKINGMarch 2019
- Laoshan Village Shandong Province
- ELEVATIONsea level
- longjing quntiTea
This 2019 Ming Qian harvest is the earliest Laoshan harvest available! These very first hand-pickings are completed under the protected greenhouse that shades the leaves and keeps them warm enough to bud in early spring so far north. Mr. He personally finished this tea by hand, careful curling and twisting the leaves under gentle heat to lock in the most sweetness possible. The He family has been kind enough to let us reserve several kilograms of this very limited early Ming Qian harvest.
PICKINGMarch 2019
'After several extremely cold winters, short springs and hot summers, Laoshan’s weather is finally lining up for a perfect harvest! The weather has been unusually mild and is currently warming up earlier than it has in years. This means that for the first time in recent memory, Laoshan is picking at the same time as regions like Dragonwell much further south'
46-817520 seconds104617510 seconds8412room temp8 hours
Steeping Instructions
4 g.6-8
oz.use 175° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
4 g.6 ozuse 175° watersteep 10 seconds
add 8 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz. use room temp.° water refrigerate overnight
8 hours hours add ice & enjoy
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