2024 Yunnan Golden Jasmine
2024 Yunnan Golden Jasmine
Scented with Aromatic Jasmine
Sourced by Wang Yanxin
- DATE OF PICKINGSpring 2024
- Lincang RegionYunnan Province
- Yunnan Da BaiTea Varietal
This lovely offering from Wang Yanxin combines the very best of two of our favorite teas - Yunnan White Jasmine and Golden Fleece. Huge buds are picked from Yunnan Da Bai, a varietal normally used for white tea. These buds are allowed to fully oxidize into black tea, but during oxidation and drying, wild jasmine blossom are scattered among the buds, allowing the natural aroma of the jasmine to absorb over several days into the tea itself. The jasmine flowers have to be changed and renewed six times over six days to get a full aromatic infusion that lasts over many steepings. The old craft of true jasmine scenting is a slow laborious process, but the results are worth it. This tea is as rich and sweet as Golden Fleece and as luscious as Jasmine.
- DATE OF PICKINGSpring 2024
Tasting Profile
- fruit - strawberry
- floral - cherry blossom, jasmine
- savory - white chocolate
- spice - eucalytpus
- texture - cotton candy
Wang Yanxin also recommends:
Steeping Instructions
5 g.6-8
oz.use 205° watersteep 25 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
5 g.6 ozuse 205° watersteep 6 seconds
add 3 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
5 g.12
oz.use room temp. waterrefrigerate overnight
8 hoursadd ice & enjoy
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