2024 Golden Fleece
2024 Golden Fleece
Sourced by Wang Yanxin
- DATE OF PICKINGSpring 2024
- Lincang RegionYunnan Province
- Yunnan Da BaiTea Varietal
This spring harvest Golden Fleece gets its name to honor the soft, rich textural experience of tasting this beautiful small harvest tea. Golden Fleece is hand picked from wild growth (unmanaged) Yunnan Da Bai tea bushes over forty years old. The biodiversity of the growing region and deeper roots mean a more complex flavor and aroma. Only the most perfect large tender buds are hand-harvested, and carefully hand-finished. The down from the buds infuses into every cup, yielding a uniquely thick mouthfeel. This year's harvest is full and complex with cooling cedar, and spiced nutmeg and cinnamon undertones to bolster the luxurious creamy base.
- DATE OF PICKINGSpring 2024
Tasting Profile
- savory - cashew brittle, marshmallow
- floral - rose, vanilla, honey
- spice - cardamom, fennel
- fruit - green apple, melon
- texture - lingering velvety, juicy
Wang Yanxin also recommends:
Steeping Instructions
4 g.6-8
oz.use 205° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
5 g.6 ozuse 205° watersteep 8 seconds
add 3 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz.use room temp. waterrefrigerate overnight
8 hoursadd ice & enjoy
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