2021 Flat Pressed Laoshan Green
2021 Flat Pressed Laoshan Green
Crafted By the He Family
- truesavory100salted almond, malt, semolinatruevegetal70cucumber skin, minttruespice45ginger, cardamomtruefruit50mandarin orangetruemineral-driven
Tasting Profile
- savory - salted almond, malt, semolina
- vegetal - cucumber skin, mint
- spice - ginger, cardamom
- fruit - mandarin orange
- texture - mineral-driven
- Laoshan VillageShandong Province
- ELEVATIONsea level
- longjing quntiTea Varietal
The flat-pressing process that Mr. He uses to finish this reserve spring harvest is inspired by Dragonwell green tea. In fact, Laoshan tea was originally brought to the area from Dragonwell, so for this cultivar, flat-pressing is a return to its origins. The day-long labor-intensive process to finish this delicate tea makes for beautiful leaves to brew in glass. The flavor is lighter but the aroma and sweetness more pronounced with flat-pressing. The flat-pressing technique really allows the subtle complexity of this season’s harvest to shine through. This May harvest is picked once the protective winter greenhouses are removed and the risk of frost has passed.
The He Family also recommends:
"In recent years, spring has fluctuated between freezing nights and warm days, forcing the He Family to leave their greenhouse covers on longer, but this year, the nights were temperate enough to remove the greenhouse covers early, letting the buds slowly form in the open ocean air. The results are spectacular, one of the first harvests in many years to line up with ideal conditions..."
- 46-817520 seconds10461758 seconds4412room temp8 hours
Steeping Instructions
4 g.6-8
oz.use 175° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
4 g.6 ozuse 175° watersteep 8 seconds
add 4 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz.use room temp. waterrefrigerate overnight
8 hoursadd ice & enjoy
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