Longjuan Dark Roast Tieguanyin
Longjuan Dark Roast Tieguanyin
Sourced By the the Liu Family
truesavory70toated rice, carameltruespice40rosewoodtruefruit40cherrytruefloral25jasminetruevegetal25sweet grass
Tasting Profile
- savory - toated rice, caramel
- spice - rosewood
- fruit - cherry
- floral - jasmine
- vegetal - sweet grass
PICKINGSpring 2018
- Longjuan Anxi
- TieguanyinTea
The Liu Family's Dark Roast Tieguanyin is finished with long term aging in mind, so careful slow application of heat is used to preserve the green bright core of the tea while bringing out deep spice and savory notes. Each sip is aromatic like Chinese lacquered rosewood, and satisfying like toasted rice. The careful and meticulous craft applied to this tea makes it an incredibly cozy yet complex brew.
PICKINGSpring 2018
56-820530 seconds15-305520510 seconds5-65122128 hours
Steeping Instructions
5 g.6-8
oz.use 205° watersteep 30 secondsresteep many times
add 15-30 sec. each infusionGongfu
5 g.5 ozuse 205° watersteep 10 seconds
add 5-6 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
5 g.12
oz. use room temp.° water refrigerate overnight
8 hours hours add ice & enjoy
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