2024 "Zun" Qianjiazhai Sheng Pu'er
2024 "Zun" Qianjiazhai Sheng Pu'er
Crafted by the Dongsa Cooperative
- QianjiazhaiMt. Ailao, Yunnan
- Qianjiazhai AssamicaTea Varietal
This is the Zhenyuan Dongsa Cooperative's "Zun" harvest - a designation chosen by the cooperative that means ‘reverence’ of the ancient Qianjiazhai tea trees themselves. "Zun" also points to human collaboration with a living tree that has existed long before us and - hopefully - will continue to exist for generations to come.
The Zun harvest uses the first early spring growth from only the old-growth (500-1000 year) wild trees above the Li Family’s home high in the mountains, and accessible only on foot. The wild nature of this tea’s provenance come through as a flavor texture and aroma experience that is both reverent of its source, and worthy of reverence for its commanding beauty, full of honey sweetness and dried fruit with the support of wild mountain herbs and intense textural depth.
Tasting Profile
- floral - lavender
- vegetal - basil
- spice - ginger, cedar
- fruit - nectarine
- savory - spice cake
- texture - tingling, juicy, mouth-watering
the Dongsa Cooperative also recommends:
'A single eight hundred year old tree can yield up to three kilograms of finished dry leaf. The Dongsa Cooperative picks each of these trees and keeps their leaf material separate. The finished sheng pu’er maocha can either be sold as a single tree lot, blended with other 800 year trees for a single age statement pressing, or blended with 300-500 year leaves for Zun pressings.'
Steeping Instructions
4 g.6-8
oz.use 205° watersteep 30 secondsresteep many times
add 15-30 sec. each infusionGongfu
4 g.6 ozuse 205° watersteep 10 seconds
add 10-30 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz.use room temp. waterrefrigerate overnight
8 hoursadd ice & enjoy