2018 Loose Leaf Gu Hua Sheng
2018 Loose Leaf Gu Hua Sheng
Sourced By the Dongsa Cooperative
truespice85cooling, juniper, cinnamontruesavory45burdock, semolinatruevegetal45tulsi, fenneltruefloral30marigoldtruefruit30banana leaf
Tasting Profile
- spice - cooling, juniper, cinnamon
- savory - burdock, semolina
- vegetal - tulsi, fennel
- floral - marigold
- fruit - banana leaf
- DATE OF PICKINGAugust 2018
- Qianjiazhai Mt. Ailao
- Qianjiazhai AssamicaTea Varietal
Craft and terroir have come together beautifully for this 2018 early autumn harvest from Qianjiazhai's wild tea trees. The Dongsa Cooperative wild-forages buds and tender leaves from tea trees between one hundred and three hundred years of age for this loose sheng pu'er blend. Every hand-picked leaf is withered and sun-dried in bamboo baskets, with little or no heat exposure to lock in the most wild and natural flavor of one of the most remote growing regions in the world.
'Three hundred to five hundred year old trees can yield only a kilogram or two at most, and are picked only once a year to encourage further growth for future generations. The flavor of trees at this age picks up more thick woody, foresty notes to balance the fruit and florals. The brewed liquor is more translucent and golden.'
46-820820 seconds10562086 seconds3412room temp8 hours
Steeping Instructions
4 g.6-8
oz.use 208° watersteep 20 secondsresteep many times
add 10 sec. each infusionGongfu
5 g.6 ozuse 208° watersteep 6 seconds
add 3 sec. per steepingenjoy many steepingsIced/Cold
4 g.12
oz. use room temp.° water refrigerate overnight
8 hours hours add ice & enjoy